Are you considering or exploring information about a power of attorney?
Power of Attorney in New South Wales (NSW)
A power of attorney is a legal document that allows an individual (the principal) to appoint another person (the attorney) to act on their behalf and make decisions regarding their legal and financial affairs. In NSW, there are different types of powers of attorney, each serving a specific purpose.
General Power of Attorney:
Enduring Power of Attorney:
Appointment of Enduring Guardian:
Establishing a power of attorney requires careful consideration and adherence to legal formalities. It’s crucial to seek professional legal advice to ensure the document accurately reflects the principal’s wishes and complies with NSW laws.
Need assistance managing your legal and financial affairs? Our power of attorney services can help you appoint a trusted individual to make decisions on your behalf, ensuring your interests are protected.
Concerned about your future care and medical decisions? Our enduring guardian services can help you appoint a trusted person to make important lifestyle and healthcare decisions for you if you become incapacitated.
Have a valid claim against a deceased person’s estate? Our estate claim services can assist you in navigating the legal process and securing your rightful share of the estate.
Sustained a workplace injury that goes beyond workers’ compensation? Our work injury damages services can help you seek additional compensation for pain and suffering, loss of earning capacity, and other non-economic losses.
Feel you have been inadequately provided for in a will? Our family provision claim services can help you seek a fair share of the estate, ensuring your financial needs are met.